Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday: Glittering Vinyl

The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer and Spring is just around the corner. Easter is only a few weeks away and I'm excited to get some easter colors into my home decor.

Today I'm going to show you how to glitter our Easter subway vinyl. You could use this technique on any vinyl but it's going to look super cute with the rest of my Easter stuff.

Supplies needed-
12x12 photo plaque for $5.95
12x12 scrapbook paper
white craft wood glue
acylic paint (I used Delta Tahiti Blue)
glitter (I used Doodlebug Metallic Swimming Pool)
foam brushes
subway vinyl

Start by painting the edges of you plaque, you don't need to cover the entire surface because the scrapbook paper is going to cover most of it. After the paint is dry squeeze out the white wood glue over the plaque and smooth it out with sponge brush. You'll notice I have an arrow on the plaque- this is to remind me where the t-slot is on the back of the plaque. It really only matters when you have a paper or photo that has to go a certain direction so when you hang it it won't be upside down or sideways.

Next, take a 12x12 piece of scrapbook paper and lay it on top of the glued surface and smooth it out. Wait at least 30 minutes for the glue to dry before you contine. Then you'll take your subway vinyl and peel back the transfer tape. Carefully line up your vinyl and lay it onto your paper. Using a vinyl applicator smooth out any air bubbles and peel your tranfer tape off.

Using the same white wood glue that we used to glue the scrapbook down, squeeze out a small amount onto a scratch paper. Using a flat paint brush paint the wood glue onto the vinyl that you want glittered.

Dump the glitter directly onto the glued area and dump the excess onto a piece of paper and pour back into the bottle. (Glitter goes a really long way). And seal with any acylic sealer spray. I really like Krylon Matte Finish.

And there you have it! A cute sparkly Easter sign. Happy crafting!


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