Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday

Hello fellow crafters! Rachel here- I’m way excited to introduce you to my
new blog post segment “Tutorial Tuesday”. I want these posts to answer any specific questions that you have about any particular project. One question that
we are asked frequently, is how to attach the owl door hang to the branch.
So today I’m going to tackle this task for you. Our owl door hang is so stinkin' cute this year! I absolutely love the new paper that's on it.
Once you have everything painted and papered the way you like you'll punch a hole through the paper, the hole should already be drilled. Then you'll take our thin gauge wire and cut two 6 inch pieces. Feed each piece of wire through the owl and branch and twist.  
Once the wire is through and twisted you'll push it off to the side.
Here's what the front should look like...
After both pieces are wired together, you'll want to hide the holes and wire.
Take the owls feet and glue them to the BRANCH. Yes, the branch- not the owl body. This way it's easier to hide.
And... ta-dah! You're done!
A cute owl for your front door, a nursery or a cute spot in your house.
Do you have a tutorial that you'd like to see for my next post?
Email me at woodconnection@live.com with "ATTN Rachel" in the subject.

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