Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Our Crew Would Do- Carrie

Hi there ladies- Carrie here from The Wood Connection A.F.
I was super excited to showcase one of our products in an unexpected way.  I chose to use the welcome boards ( $1.70) for a project that I saw on pinterest. I have one one of my favorite quotes framed in my house that I wanted to use for the saying. I hope you love it as much as I do. I cant wait to see where its final resting place will be in my house.  A  fun headboard maybe??
So here goes my friends:
First I decided how large I wanted it to be. 5ft x 3 ½ ft.  I grabbed the boards and laid out a pattern. 
Next I wanted to try a great technique I found on a blog from one of our amazing customers named Rita for fabulous ideas using a lot of our products.

Okay, so what you do is mix a bit of water with 1 bottle of white paint to create a wash. I got a little creative and used a box I found that would fit my board length. I lined it with a plastic trash bag, poured the whitewash in it and let the boards soak. I wanted it a bit darker so I waited until it dried and gave it a quick coat using our foam brush and then let them dry completely.

At this point I laid out the dried boards in my original pattern and proceeded to use wood glue to glue them together at all seams. (note: you might want to put  plastic under the boards so you don't get any glue on the surface you are working on.)
I created a clamp using the weight of heavy boxes to push it against the wall so it was nice and tightly glued together .... Cuz I just didn't want to stay and hold them all until they dried. HEE HEE.
As I mentioned earlier I was inspired by a quote I have framed. So I had my amazing co-worker Paige help by designing the layout for me. ( I heart you Paigey) Next we sent it off to the printer with the sizes  (40 x 24) and viola!

I wanted it to have a hand painted look so I grabbed some carbon paper from an office supply store ($5.99 for a pack of 25 sheets. I used only 2) I placed it under each letter and traced LIGHTLYno heavy hands here ladies :).
I chose the colors I wanted and proceeded to paint my little heart out. I was careful to stay within the lines but also wanted it to have the charm and the imperfections of being hand made.
Here is my list of supplies:
1 bottle white paint
1 bottle crocus paint
1 bottle charcoal paint
2 sheets carbon paper
1  bottle wood glue
22 welcome board

Depending on where/how you display it you might want to use metal brackets on the back side to make sure its stable. The great thing about this project is you can make it any size to fit your space.

I have fallen in love with the finished product. I adore it as a headboard... Can you say bedroom redo?!?!?! :) But it is so versatile, it can be hung or rested against the wall. Get creative

Until next time ladies. I heart you.


  1. I absolutely LOVE the way this turned out. You may just see me in your store today buying these boards :)


  2. Oh my goodness what a fun idea! I really want to try and make this for myself....Thanks for the great idea!

  3. LOVE it! I want to make one now. :)

  4. oh my I love it!

  5. Love the sign,love the quote! Great job!

  6. Love this!! Wish I lived near by so I could come to your store!

  7. I don't remember hearing this quote before and it gave me chills when I saw this sign. Great message for us all to remember. The sign is cute and the decor around it is perfect. I love the yellow and blue together!

  8. What a fabulous idea and so pretty! I've linked you up to my Wednesday link party!

  9. I love this! I found it on pinterest and made my husband see it.

    The colours are gorgeous and the quote is inspiring!


  10. Can you tell me what the font is called? Thanks for the FABULOUS idea!!! Also, I don't live near your store, can you give me an idea of the size of each individual board? THANKS!!!

  11. This is so great. Thanks for the tutorial!
    Glad you found a clamp, holding them looks like it would be uncomfortable after a while :)

  12. I love this!! Can you share/sell a copy of the layout?

  13. The font is called Rokkitt. We don't sell a copy of the layout but you can make your own using that font.

  14. When you say that you sent that to the printer, what is the process for that? Do you send like a Word file or do you need a special program?

    I am really excited to try this. My mom fell in love with it on pinterest and I am surprising it by making it for her.

  15. Yes Carrie, we just printed the lettering in Word.

  16. Where can I find welcome boards? Thanks
