Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Our Crew Would Do- Rachel

Well I hope you're not sick of me this week because I have the CUTEST project ever for you guys! When I saw these stocking holders on pinterest I knew I had to share the idea! They are so super easy to make and really inexpensive. And since I am so obsessed with polka dots right now I thought I'd make my own version.

Here's your list of supplies:
4x6 blocks (you'll need two blocks for each stocking hanger)
scrapbook paper (I used Simple Stories sn@p collection)
white wood glue
acrylic paint
metal hooks

Start by painting the back and edges of your blocks. You don't need to paint the entire surface because the paper is going to cover it. You'll also paint your clothes pins at this time.

Then you'll trace each side of the block onto scrapbook paper and cut it out. Pretty easy so far, right?

Using the white wood glue we sell here in the store, spread a thin and even coat over the wood and smooth it out with a sponge brush. Then carefully line up your paper and lay it on flat on top the glued surface. It takes a few minutes to dry so usually while the glue is setting, I'll rub the paper really hard with my fist so it dries nice and flat. Using the same wood glue add a small line to the back of the clothespin and glue it to the block.

I found the black hooks at Home Depot for .79. Score! To make installing them easier I pre drilled holes and then lined up my hooks and screwed them down.

I chose not to glue my blocks together because I thought they'd be easier to store after Christmas. But if you wanted, you could glue them together using the same wood glue from earlier. All that's left is getting your pictures and hanging your stockings. And just like that you're done. Cute, easy and inexpensive! What more could you want?