Monday, December 3, 2012

The Arsty Addict Guest Post

Hi there! My name is Emillie from The Artsy Addict. Today I’m going to be doing a tutorial on this cute Merry Christmas banner. Hope you all enjoy and have a great holiday season! 

Products and Tools:
10– Wood Label Banners
Coordinating Paper, Paint, & Glitter
Wood Glue
I used these 4 colors of paint and Bo Bunny Mistletoe papers.

Step 1: Trace Block Letters 

          Tools: Using a pencil to trace your banners

          Use the backside of the paper you want to display when tracing.

          Press and hold the wood with one hand so that your image doesn’t shift while tracing. With the other hand, trace around the image. Before moving the wood look to make sure that your trace has not shifted, otherwise when you cut it out, it will not fit correctly.

          Note: Always trace before painting! If you forget you'll have tracing marks around the wood and will need to go back and touch up. It creates an extra step and takes more time.

          Also Note: When working with a large number of pieces it helps to number the wood and paper so that when you go to assemble the pieces they match as perfectly as when you traced them. There is usually some variation with the wood so this helps you to not be playing the matching game when trying to glue your paper to the wood.
Step 2: Prep Wood

If your wood has any unsmooth surfaces you’ll want to sand your wood before painting.

Step 3: Paint Wood

          Tools: paint & sponge brush
          Paint 1/2 inch border around the front of the banners
          Paint complete sides and backs of banners for a more completed project.

Step 4: Cut Paper

         Tools: a pair of scissors to cut your banners and to do any trimming. I find it easier to cut detailed areas, etc. with a smaller pair of scissors

          Cut letters right on the line that you traced. Don’t worry if when you lay down your image on the wood if it is a little smaller or larger than the block. I'll teach you in a later step how to disguise your imperfections.

Step 5: Distress Paper

        Tools: Everyone has there own technique and tools for distressing. I prefer to use what I call a cat eye. It is a small inkpad that is in the shape of a cat eye. If you need to distress with a color you don't have, you can use a technique called dry brushing. Take your cat eye and flick around all the edges of the paper. Start very light and if you want more, you can add. It’s always better to have too little than too much.

Step 6: Glue Paper to Wood

         Tools: You’ll need Darice Wood Glue and sponge brush for this portion of the project.

          Sponge wood glue on the front of one piece of wood at a time. ***Try to use it sparingly, a thin layer, not too much. It will cause your paper to bubble after you adhere it, if you put too much on. ***

          Once you put the glue on the wood, line up starting on one side and add your paper. Be sure to press firmly all along the surface to prevent bubbling. Repeat same steps on all of your wood.

          As you’re adhering your paper to each piece of wood, continue to go back and put pressure on areas that may be starting to bubble on past wood. With pressure you can, in most cases, work out bubbles that seem to form. I have found that with less glue, fewer bubbles form.

Step 7: Glitter and Glue

Wood Connection has an awesome tutorial on how to glitter wood, for more information click the link... Glittering Wood. Now you’ll want to glue your banners together to create a three-dimensional look. 

Step 9: Create Christmas Banner

          Tools: Banner Punches, Smooth cardstock, Stamps, Embossing Powder, Embossing Gun, Mini Hole Punch, Distressors, Ribbons, 3 Dimensional Adhesives, etc.

          Note: If you have more questions about the "Christmas" banner portion of this project, you can email me at

A BIG THANKS to the Wood Connection for allowing me the opportunity to guest post! I am also giving away a $25.00 gift certificate to The Wood Connection. You can enter below using the rafflecopter widget.

Until next time... Happy Crafting & Happy Holidays!
a Rafflecopter giveaway