Monday, October 8, 2012

Sassy Santuary Guest Post- Alphabet Banner

Hey there all you Wood Connection readers!  This is Krystal from Sassy Sanctuary here again today.  I'm so excited to be back and to share my latest creation with you! 

Last time I guest posted I was 22 weeks pregnant and on an organization kick,  now I am 33 weeks and its crunch time getting the baby's room done.  I headed over to The Wood Connection knowing I wanted to make something cute for the nursery.  I was immediately drawn to their cute pennants for banners.  The only problem is that this baby doesn't have a name yet.  (We are having a really hard time in the name department this go around!)  So what else can you have a banner say?  The alphabet!  I collected 26 of their pennants and headed home to get to work.

Wanna see how it turned out?

So much fun!

I am using the cutest fabric line in my baby's room.  It's called Fox Hollow by Monaluna and there is a print in the line that happens to be a woodland themed alphabet.  So that is where the inspiration came from and I shamelessly copied the fabric and painted the alphabet using tole paints.

The process was really easy.   I started by selecting 2 of the fun pennant shapes (13 of each shape) and giving the tops of them a coat of white paint.

Then I took some wood stain and a q-tip and carefully stained the edges.  I think it gave it a neat look.

Then you start painting!  If you have something to look at, like fabric or a picture, its really easy to just break the images down and duplicate them.   Or it would be cute to cover the pennants in scrapbook paper and add vinyl letters if painting isn't your thing.

Once you are all done you'll want to give them a coat of sealer.  Then just string them up and hang!

For my wall it worked out best to hang in four rows. (6, 7, 6, 7)

And now, thanks to The Wood Connection, I have the first corner of the nursery officially done!

Come on over to Sassy Sanctuary and follow along to see how the rest of the room turns out.!  I'll also be giving away a $25 gift certificate to The Wood Connection so be sure to stop on by.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh my! This is adorable! I can't believe they are hand painted!

  2. This is amazing!! Super talented and such a fantastic idea!!!

  3. Oh nice! Suits a kid's room very well. I'd love that you guys have decorated the room in such a way. What a wonderful banner set. Thanks for the share! I've also tried doing small projects involving banner-making and thankfully it turned out pretty well.

  4. Oh my! This is amazing! I can't believe they are side painted! Idn't have word say anything! Awesome.

    MDF | Veneered MDF
