Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday: Folded Ribbon Rose

Hey guys! Rachel here- you asked and here it is! (Finally!) My tutorial for the folded ribbon rose that we have displayed on our witch boots this year. The boots are so much different than our boots last year… they are much more chic and sassy.

1 yard of 1 ½ inch wired purple ribbon
3-1 ½ inch wired green ribbon pieces that are each 2 inches long
2-5/8 inch wired purple ribbon that are each 18” long
6 inches of thin black wire
For the rosette- take your purple ribbon and hold it into an L shape so that you have one piece going vertical and the other going horizontal.

Take the ribbon that is vertical and fold it down over the “L” crease so that you start to make a square. (See left photo) Then take the ribbon that is going horizontal and fold it over the "L" crease so that is going horizontal in the other direction. (See right photo) Continue to go back and forth over the beginning crease, folding all of the ribbon so that it becomes squares stacked on top of each other.
When you’re done it should look something like this.
Pinching the ends of the ribbon, pull one ribbon while the other end stays lossely pinched in your hand. Continue to pull all the way to the end.
Still holding the ribbon it should like this…
While still holding on to the ribbon take 6" of thin black wire and wrap it around the base and flower. Then use scissors to cut the leftover ribbon from the one end.
After your rose is wired, hot glue it onto the boot. Contine this same method with the thinner purple ribbon to make the additional smaller roses.
Now for the leaves-
We have 3 leaves surrounding our roses. So follow these instructions for each leaf. Start by folding one corner of the ribbon to the opposite corner. Continue to fold the other corners to that same corner. Glue all corners togather and once they're dry you can glue them underneath the roses.
And once you're done you have some fun, sassy witch boots that you wish you could really wear.  :)

Thanks for reading!
Do you have a tutorial that you'd like to see for my next post?
Email me at woodconnection@live.com with "ATTN Rachel" in the subject.


  1. I think I was the first to pin this on Pinterest! I LOVE these shoes. I drove 500+ miles to get these, honestly! I guess I came to see family too ; ) but my #1 thing to do in Utah was come to your store. LOVE IT!!

  2. Great tutorial!! <3 Whit

  3. Rach! I love this tutorial! It Rocks! Great job! :)

  4. Rach! I totally love this tutorial! It seriously Rocks! Can't wait to see more :)
