Monday, February 13, 2012


Hey! It's Becky, one of the five Crafting Chicks. We have enjoyed working with The Wood Connection to make some fun things. Today I'm going to share my wood growth chart I made. I sure love it and so do my girls.

I had been looking for a great growth chart a few years ago, but couldn't find anything that would work for me. I love the vinyl ones, but don't want to leave it behind if we ever move. There are other cute fabric and wood charts out there, but the prices kept me away. Wood Connection to the rescue. This was my answer!

Here is what you will need:
  • a wooden board
  • paint
  • vinyl lines and numbers
  • wood letters for the name (you could also do vinyl if you wanted)
  • a ruler
  • pencil
  • scrapbook paper
  • Mod Podge
I found this 5'x2' wooden board at Wood Connection. It is really cute and has beveled edges. I painted each board and then began to measure. I wanted to start the chart at their birth height and then just go up from there.
I put the foot marks on first and then added my numbers to that. After those were on, I put the inch marks on. I added a few vinyl flowers.
Painted the letters and Mod Podged cute scrapbook paper on them to match their rooms. I inked the edges of the letters to give them some more depth.
I then put some hanging hardware on the back. Measured up the wall to the height that I had started the markings and voila. A fun growth chart for many memories and years to come!

Now as a fun treat for all of you. Wood Connection has given me a $25 gift certificate to giveaway. Just leave a comment below by Thursday, February 16th for your chance to win!

The Crafting Chicks

Twitter: @craftingchicks


  1. I didn't even know that you guys had boards this size!! I love the flowers and the cute letters that were used.

  2. I love this idea, cause if you move you can take it with you!!! Want to make!!! =)

    Jen Mickelsen

  3. So cute! My two favorites- Wood Connection and Crafting Chicks!!!

  4. Cute! I love the Wood Connection and the Crafting Chicks!

  5. So So Cute!! I'd LOVE to win that gift certificate!!!

  6. So So cute! I would LOVE to win that gift certificate!!

  7. I love it!! So fun to have their name down the side!

  8. Oh my goodness this is too funny. I was actually talking to my husbnad about making a growth cahrt for our little boy this weekend and was wondering if i could find a board at the wodd connection. Thanks for answering that!!! Cant wait to make one and hopefully for free too :)

  9. Such a cute idea! I would love the gift card since I never have enough money for all the stuff I want!

  10. Awesome, I had no idea that Wood Co had boards that size. I have wanted to make these for ages as well, but the price was keeping me away too. So cute!!

  11. So cute! I'm thinking something dark blue for my little dude. Love it!

  12. I've always wanted to make one of these! I love it!!

  13. So very cute! I would love to make one for my son.

  14. I've been desperately looking for a growth chart!! this one is perfect for our little giant 3 year old! I will pick up my supplies at the Wood Co when I'm in town next week! Thanks ladies this is great!! :)

  15. I have just been using a 2 x 4 every year and taking that with us until we settle into a house that we won't move out of. Smart idea.

  16. this is darling! i might have to make one for my little girl!

  17. this is darling! i might have to make this for my little girl!

  18. I have been meaning to buy the wood to make one for my kids, Thanks for the tips!

  19. I have been meaning to make one of these for the last few weeks, just haven't gotten the wood, thanks for the tips, it will make it even

  20. So cute! I love it! I will have to make one for my son on the way, just need to pick his name first. :)

  21. Super cute and fun!!! Thanks for the creative idea!

  22. That is so stinkin cute! My daughter has wanted a growth chart in her room. We'll have to do this together on a mommy daughter date!

  23. Such a great idea! My daughter will love this.

  24. I love this, I need to make one of these!

  25. I've just been marking the door frame because i found a pattern to sew one....but i'm really liking the wood idea. Just discovered Wood connection not too long ago and I'm loving that store! :) My two girls will be sharing a room and it doesn't have much space so I'll probably end up putting both their names on it...prettty sure wood connection has smaller letters so they'll fit. :) Thanks for the tutorial and can I ask where you got the vinal dashes and numbers?

  26. It is so fun to see what everyone else is working on. We get some of our greatest idea's from people who share their projects. Thank you for sharing this super cute idea! Thank you for sharing your CRAFTINESS with us!!! And thank you to the wood connection for having everything we need to be a sucessful crafter!

  27. I don't know which is cuter - the darling growth chart or the adorable little girl standing in front of it! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Super cute! Love that idea! I'm going to need one of these when my little boy get's older!

  29. This is so super cute! I can't wait to make one for my little guy! Thanks for sharing!

  30. Gosh I wish I had thought about scrapbooking paper. I love your sign!! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Luv this, esp the letters for their names!!!

  32. This is amazing, I have also been looking for a growth chart!!!

  33. What a great idea. I thought about doing this a year or so ago when I was at my brother's house and saw pencil markings all over one of his door frames. That's something I want to keep. However, I don't have children yet, but when I do, I'm going to make this board! Thanks for sharing your cute idea.
